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Community Reviews & Ratings:
On 02/19/2009 ozarksflyfisher wrote:
I had a "holesaw" modified factory, and put this on. It's awesome, but a tad loud. Definately had to do the jet kit. Mileage went down from 140 miles in a tank to 120, but I think it was well worth it. Now, what to do with the old stock one? It was easy to put on, even for me. I left the jet kit to the pros and their dyno machine to tune it perfectly.

On 12/16/2008 EKroese wrote:
Install was simple enough, take off old and bolt the new pipes back in place. I was sick of how quiet my stock pipes were so I finally bought the V&H Cruzers. They were louder than I expected but not overly loud. This was a winter mod so I don't have many miles on with them yet.

On 11/13/2008 ozarksflyfisher wrote:
Love it, easy to install. Louder than I expected. Definately needed jet kit.

On 10/27/2008 mikeds750 wrote: